Interface TransformChainFields<I, O>

Interface that extends the ChainInputs interface and defines the fields required for a transform chain. It includes the transform function, inputVariables, and outputVariables properties.

Switch to expression language: Will be removed in 0.2.0

interface TransformChainFields<I, O> {
    inputVariables: (keyof I extends string
        ? keyof any
        : never)[];
    outputVariables: (keyof O extends string
        ? keyof any
        : never)[];
    transform: ((values: I, callbacks?: any) => O | Promise<O>);
    callbackManager?: any;
    memory?: any;

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)


inputVariables: (keyof I extends string
    ? keyof any
    : never)[]
outputVariables: (keyof O extends string
    ? keyof any
    : never)[]
transform: ((values: I, callbacks?: any) => O | Promise<O>)
callbackManager?: any

Use callbacks instead

memory?: any