
Represents a wrapper class to work with DataForSEO SERP API.

Hierarchy (view full)



description: string = "A robust Google Search API provided by DataForSeo. This tool is handy when you need information about trending topics or current events."
name: string = "dataforseo-api-wrapper"
apiLogin: string
apiPassword: string
defaultParams: Record<string, string | number | boolean> = ...

These are the default parameters to be used when making an API request.

jsonResultFields: undefined | string[]
jsonResultTypes: undefined | string[]
params: Record<string, string | number | boolean> = {}
topCount: undefined | number
useJsonOutput: boolean = false


  • Parameters

    • keyword: string

    Returns {
        data: BodyInit;
        headers: HeadersInit;
        url: string;

    • data: BodyInit
    • headers: HeadersInit
    • url: string


    Prepares the request details for the API call.